Friday, 7 May 2010

Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and Billie Elliott

Busy day sightseeing today. Got to Buckingham Palace in time for the changing of the guard. I ended up in front because the people standing in front of me got tired of waiting for them to march. The band played for about 30 minutes. Admittedly, it got boring but I outlasted them and got some great pics. They marched right in front of me. Although there was a police women standing right in front

of me and she's in every shot. I tried all sorts of angles so she wouldn't be in the shot but I ended up with shots with weird angles and some part of that police woman.

Went on to London Eye. So cool. I think I got 100 pics of the city. Lucked out as it was a beautiful day.

Went to a play, Billy Elliott. My new favorite! I had seen the movie but wasn't impressed, actually thought it was strange and didn't really like it. The play was FANTASTIC! Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

After the play went to a great Indian restaurant, ate dinner at midnight London time. Restaurants are open late here. Food was amazing. Great way to end a wonderful day.

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